AIM 11 Levered and inverse products
Levered and inverse (Lx) products structured from partially collateralized futures or total rate of return swap positions .
Required reading​
Pessina and Whaley 2021 Levered and inverse funds: Blessing or curse? - FAJ​
O'Neill and Whaley 2023 Effects of nondiscretionary trading on futures prices - JFM (pp. 37-39)​
Baer and Kiernan 20200130 Leveraged-ETF seller urges investors to fight proposed regulation - WSJ​
Kiernan 20201020 SEC shelves measure to protect investors in leveraged ETFs - WSJ
Wursthorn 20201129 Investors pile into risky ETFs during wild market rally - WSJ
Tsekova 20220227 Wall Street's risky 'razor blade' trade is making a comeback - Businessweek
SEC 20220711 Statement of single-stock levered and/or inverse ETFs
​Watch ETFs That Short Markets Are Quietly Booming - Bloomberg